Monday, April 27, 2015

More King Arthur....Artwork

The wedding of Arthur and Guinivere

Doomed Lovers....Lancelot and Guinivere perhaps

With Lancelot's Armor

The Training of Morgan Le Fay

Young Arthur

Great medieval, Rennaissance, history, SCA, and Rennaissance Festival websites

Great medieval, Renaissance, history, SCA, and Renaissance Festival websites -The Society for Creative Anachronism -Great for kids

King Arthur

Arthur the boy King who was the only one who could remove the Sword from the stone

The knights of the Round Table

Arthur being Knighted

The lady in the lake giving Excalibur to Arthur

True Love Medieval

Great sites for Medieval learning

Castles and Manor Houses: history, architecture, sieges, examples, photographs, buying, selling, castle tours, renting and hiring castles, châteaux and manor houses

The above link is a wonderful website that gives you all sorts of information on castles. It explains the every day life of living in a castle and so much more.

Below are some great Ren Fest, SCA outfits and warriors.

Here is another wonderful site:  All kinds of learning

For the love of Medieval times...both real and imagined

I love all things Medieval based including real history, Rennaisance Faires, SCA and even fantasy based books, movies etc in the Medieval style. 

  I have a wonderful Pinterest board (  But I want to also have a place I can share articles and great sites I want to remember so that is what this blog is about.

I do hope you enjoy it and please note I share images from the internet if there are any problems with any images (you own it and want it removed etc) please let me know as I will remove it.